- 🔴 19:27 Повітряна тривога в Харків.обл.
- #1
Харьковчане, подтвердите,правда или нет?
Добрый день! В моей ленте в ФБ появилось сообшение от френдессы следующего содержания:" Today is the 1st day of new school year. Here is smth from Kharkov, place in Ukraine where population is mostly Russian speaking. This is not from TV, not from Internet. It's from "first hands". Teachers are forced to wear Ukrainian national outfits and to speak and teach in Ukrainian from now on, which is not their native language, and they are afraid to speak about all this on the phone coz ppl get arrested for nothing.. These ppl (Ukrainian citizens btw) are forced to become what they are not or leave a place where they were born and lived for generations, from their land. So this is the democracy and freedom you promised Mr. Obama? No comments.."Конец цитаты. Не могли бы вы прокоментировать, так ли это или нет.
Добрый день! В моей ленте в ФБ появилось сообшение от френдессы следующего содержания:" Today is the 1st day of new school year. Here is smth from Kharkov, place in Ukraine where population is mostly Russian speaking. This is not from TV, not from Internet. It's from "first hands". Teachers are forced to wear Ukrainian national outfits and to speak and teach in Ukrainian from now on, which is not their native language, and they are afraid to speak about all this on the phone coz ppl get arrested for nothing.. These ppl (Ukrainian citizens btw) are forced to become what they are not or leave a place where they were born and lived for generations, from their land. So this is the democracy and freedom you promised Mr. Obama? No comments.."Конец цитаты. Не могли бы вы прокоментировать, так ли это или нет.