Let speak english here!

Статус: Offline
Реєстрація: 22.02.2013
Повідом.: 3439
Привет, форумчане. Студенты и не очень) Не знаю, в каком разделе лучше создать тему, создам здесь. Надеюсь, не выпилят.
У меня как-то очень туго с инглишем. Уже 20 лет учу, а выучить не могу))
Может, есть тут братья по несчастью мои?) или просто кто-то, кому будет это интересно. Может, давайте попробуем общаться на английском здесь? Помогать друг другу и все такое)
ТСЕ конечно же
та это все канеш гуд, но с правописанием дело обычно обстоит намного хуже чем с обычным разговорным ....вряд ли чет путнее со всего этого выйдет
I studied the language for 10 years and I also forget if. But I Watch the films in English on youtube and the series Friends for improving of the auditionning. As well I can advise you to read the books in English - some little stories.))
Как говорит Дмитрий Петров: "регулярность важнее длительности". Он рекомендует заниматься каждый день по 10 минут, мол это лучше чем раз в неделю 1,5 часа. Есть на вашу тему американская шутка про то, что важно практиковаться.
A tourist asked two afro-american street musicians in New York how to get to Cornegie Hall. "Practise, man, practise," came the answer.


Есть такое приложение для Android, Duolingo называется. Занимаюсь с его помощью около года. Вначале(около полугода) занимался по 10-20 минут в день. Продвижения не было(изучаю испанский с нуля). Только когда начал заниматься от получаса и больше, пошел какой-то сдвиг. Начал запоминать слова и т.д.
Так что 10 минут в день-ни о чем.
As well I can advise you to read the books in English - some little stories.))

Harry Potter series is awesome. The first books are targeted for kids and use very simple language which is very easy to read even for non-native people.

Then it gets more complex as target audience and heroes grow, but eventually your fluency with reading get better as well, so it becomes also OK to read and enjoy it. So I would highly recommend to try it.

I suppose but I don't like fantasy. I found Roald Dahl with his short stories, it's good as well for studying english. Now I try to read Breakfast at Tiffany's, I realize how much I miss in the contamporary english. So a pity!
I suppose but I don't like fantasy. I found Roald Dahl with his short stories, it's good as well for studying english. Now I try to read Breakfast at Tiffany's, I realize how much I miss in the contamporary english. So a pity!

Breakfast at Tiffany is from 60th, it's not contemporary at all. So you'd rather beware of archaic wordings if you learn too much ))
But in general it doesn't matter what to read, as long as you read and get more and more comfortable with building sentences, exercising thoughts, etc.
Breakfast at Tiffany is from 60th, it's not contemporary at all. So you'd rather beware of archaic wordings if you learn too much ))

Anyway, dykes, bull-dykes, show-off, etc...- I didn't meet that speaking language before. Maybe they are no more in use but I need to translate almost every word of the book.

You speak very well, where did you study the language?
Dear topic starter, whenever you are offering speaking in English, you need to offer the topic of discussion as well. Otherwise nobody will join you.
I'm very good, thanks And you?

I've noticed that most of the people in that topic are not based in Ukraine.. Does it mean that Ukrainian people has the problems with English knowledge? ) I hope someone can change my mind

Fine, thank you!

Maybe, Lloyd. He speaks very well. But I think that the ukrainians are not interested in other languages which I find really sad. I hope the author of the subject will propose us something good to discuss and exchange our knowledge.