Let speak english here!

Well if you don't have right to stay in US, then it's fair enough.

If you do, then you can even project T-34 on a White House to sell this video later to RT for some $$$ with no risks :збентежений:

I read an article in the New York times that during the office of Trump the applications for visa and any other entry to the USA has diminished sort of ten times. Now even the tourist have problems of getting to the USA.
щось я трохи загальмував-думав, що тимошенко- буде змінювати закінчення на різних відмінках:)
in Ukrainian if you mean Timoshenko as a female you don't need to change any letter, but if you mean Timoshenko as a male the last letter needs to be changed:)

# genetive case - Володимира Тимошенка, Олени Тимошенко
As kali muscle said
"When I want to cut my weight when I want to lean out (просушиться) more, I just drop my carbs (carbonohydrates - углеводы).
Зверху Знизу