Ду ю спик инглиш?

Yeah, that was a typo. My bad. :молись:
Please don't tell me what would be better.
Especially if you can't tell the difference between "should" and "can".

FYI: I have a degree in English and German. And I am officially certified to teach the English language and literature. Ditto for German. :незнаю:

OK. Then you have nothing to study in this place.
I know the difference. I demand courtesy.
)) вообще то я это Сплюш несла)
но тут чУдный каламбур во втором кадре. :)

Freelancing pays better and I don't have to report to any despotic bosses or do tons of useless paperwork.
Freelancing related to languages or something more reasonable?

What's the point? Just for the hell of it?
Englisch ist langweilig wie die Holle. Die Holle ist langweilig, oder?..

I have been studying English for 5 months.
So, can you now read a random page on the Internet without heavily relying on a dictionary?
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