Реєстрація: 13.10.2007
Повідом.: 2698
Реєстрація: 13.10.2007
Повідом.: 2698
- 🟠 20:37 Загроза ударних БпЛА Загроза БпЛА типу «Шахед»#м_Харків_та_Харківська_територіальна_громада
- #1
Янукович написал статью в The Wall Street Journal. На английском.
Я давно так не смеялсо. Статья так и подписана - Mr. Yanukovych is president-elect of Ukraine.
Оригинал статьи.
Увлечение поэзией украинского поэта Чехова сменилось желанием пописать на языке не менее великого британского поэта Фенимора Купера.
Это, кстати, ответ тем, кто проводил параллели с Брежневым. Леонид Ильич "Малую землю" и "Целину" хоть русским языком "писал".
P.S. Ссылка на перевод с комментариями.
Я давно так не смеялсо. Статья так и подписана - Mr. Yanukovych is president-elect of Ukraine.
Оригинал статьи.
Ukraine Will Be a Bridge Between East and West
We are a nation with a European identity, but we have historic cultural and economic ties to Russia as well. We can benefit from both.
Over the past month, Ukraine has demonstrated twice that it cherishes the values of democracy and the belief that it is important for people to vote. Ukraine's presidential election was validated by all of the major international observer groups as free, fair and transparent, which attested to the Ukrainian people's resolve for a democratic election. The people of Ukraine desired change and their voices were heard. Now we have the great responsibility to help our fellow countrymen, who have cast votes for me hoping for a better life.
This election was defined by a financial and economic crisis that has devastated our country. Before the global economic crisis, Ukraine was one of Europe's top emerging markets, and economic prosperity did not seem beyond our reach in the near term. Now all that has changed, and the people demanded change in the way our Government works in Ukraine.
We must still put an end to the political turmoil that has crippled Ukraine and held our country hostage for so long. I will work ardently to do this as president. The only way that this can be accomplished is for the top political forces and their leaders, immediately after the presidential election results have been declared and certified, to avoid confrontation and unite for the sake of saving our country. We are a nation capable of great things but we will accomplish none of them if we continue to bicker among ourselves and ignore the enormous challenges that we must confront.
Let me say here, a Yanukovych presidency is committed to the integration of European values in Ukraine. Ukraine should make use of its geopolitical advantages and become a bridge between Russia and the West. Developing a good relationship with the West and bridging the gap to Russia will help Ukraine. We should not be forced to make the false choice between the benefits of the East and those of the West. As president I will endeavor to build a bridge between both, not a one-way street in either direction. We are a nation with a European identity, but we have historic cultural and economic ties to Russia as well. The re-establishment of relations with the Russian Federation is consistent with our European ambitions. We will rebuild relations with Moscow as a strategic economic partner. There is no reason that good relations with all of our neighbors cannot be achieved.
If we hope to become a bridge between two important spheres we cannot merely talk and make promises; we must deliver concrete policies and achieve real progress. If we hope to join the European Union we must secure political stability and establish ourselves as an economically viable nation. We must be pragmatic and focused to achieve EU membership. We must create transparent policies that allow our economy to thrive and demonstrate that Ukraine will add value to the EU as a new member state.
I am committed to conducting a policy that would strengthen our links with respected international financial institutions, and increase our standing in the world economic community. My election program, "Ukraine for the People," is a deep and comprehensive plan that clearly specifies how to achieve social and economic progress. It is not an easy task. We will be confronted with the same conflicts as Europe and Washington have faced—how to stimulate our economy to create jobs while not decreasing the social protections needed by our citizens. We must defeat corruption, which has become rampant over the last several years and has damaged our ability to attract foreign investment.
If we hope to join the EU and raise the standard of living of Ukrainians to that of other European nations, we must restore our economy from within. There are three fundamental objectives the Ukrainian economy must achieve in order to thrive: First, we must create jobs; second, we must stabilize prices so people can afford the necessities that they need to live; and third, we must ensure our citizens receive adequate wages and pensions. Giving our citizens a basic economic foundation is a critical first step to restoring the broken bond between the people and the government of Ukraine.
And so that is my agenda—to restore economic vitality and calm the political turbulence that has plagued our nation; to enable Ukraine to take advantage of its natural positioning as a thriving bridge between Russia and the West; and finally, to prepare a free and open Ukraine, economically and politically, to join the European Union when the time comes.
Ukraine is a beautiful country with hard-working and virtuous people who ask only for a chance at a better life. I know that if we can come together, we will achieve great things. As president, I plan to give Ukrainians the nation they deserve—a Ukraine for the people.
Mr. Yanukovych is president-elect of Ukraine.
⚠ Тільки зареєстровані користувачі бачать весь контент та не бачать рекламу.
Увлечение поэзией украинского поэта Чехова сменилось желанием пописать на языке не менее великого британского поэта Фенимора Купера.
Это, кстати, ответ тем, кто проводил параллели с Брежневым. Леонид Ильич "Малую землю" и "Целину" хоть русским языком "писал".
P.S. Ссылка на перевод с комментариями.
⚠ Тільки зареєстровані користувачі бачать весь контент та не бачать рекламу.