Когда у РФ наконец закончиться бабло?

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сколько еще десятков лет тема будет актуальна? :D


  • screenshot-casbt1osint-blogspot-com-2020-10-blog-post_10-html-1602337025223.jpg
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Не існує ніякого рейтингу. :)

Чому москвини такі дурні?

Хабаровчане заявляют, что опознали провокатора, после действий которого ОМОН начал бить протестующих. Это замначальника центра Э, подполковник Александр Шустов
[Forwarded from Freethinker]
Russian troops are actively training in the south.

The policy of the recently nullified Russian president is so "successful" that his propagandists agreed that tensions around Russia's borders created "inappropriate actions by neighboring countries." And according to them, this is not Russia, but they are ready to attack peaceful Russia.

Therefore, Putin "is forced to attack them first." This is approximately what the Russian leadership is doing. Only they, for some reason, have forgotten or are not yet talking "about a possible preemptive strike with a low-yield nuclear charge."

But to keep neighboring countries "in good shape" all the time, Russia is constantly conducting military exercises. No sooner had the Kavkaz-2020 exercise been over than the week-long military exercises of the Black Sea Fleet units continued. Then began exercises of the anti-aircraft missile systems unit of several military districts of the Russian Federation. Then the exercises of the artillery of the marine corps of the Caspian flotilla began. And does everything somehow cover the south of Russia?

It is clear that Russia does not participate in the Karabakh conflict, "ichtamnet". But I am ready to bring peacekeepers to Armenia, forever! And, of course, it is not in this connection that "the combat crews of the air defense systems of several military districts continue exercises on the territory of the Southern Military District," as reported by the press service of the Western Military District of the Russian Federation.

In particular, on the territory of the Ashuluk military training ground (Astrakhan region), "training and combat missions were worked out" by the calculations of the S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM), at least three RF military units. During the exercise, the air defense missile systems "practiced repelling an enemy air strike with simulated launches, repelling a strike indicated by real aviation, as well as firing anti-aircraft guided missiles."

According to the Russian curators in the DPR, after the exercises, several calculations of the Southern Military District air defense systems can be sent to the place of deployment on the territory of the DPR. It is clear that “for peaceful purposes”. The S-400 Triumph air defense system is a long-range air defense system designed to destroy strategic and tactical aircraft, ballistic missiles, hypersonic targets and other air attack weapons at ranges of up to 400 km at an altitude of several meters to several tens of kilometers.

Well, the week-long exercises of the units of the coastal missile and artillery formation, which is part of the Novorossiysk naval base of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, have just ended. They also had actually "peaceful" goals: "the delivery of missile strikes from coastal areas by the crews of the mobile coastal missile complex" Bastion ". More than 1000 servicemen and about 50 units of military and special equipment and ships of the fleet were involved in the exercises.

There, at the Novorossiysk naval base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, a comprehensive exercise on "anti-submarine and sabotage defense of the ship's basing point" was completed. More than 500 servicemen, about 10 ships and vessels of the Black Sea Fleet took part in the exercises. "

Well, right now, "the artillery of the Caspian Flotilla marines have begun live-fire exercises" at the Adanak training ground in Dagestan. About 200 marines and more than 40 pieces of weapons and military equipment make marches, practice the skills of firing 122 mm D-30 howitzers, as well as anti-tank ATGM systems and other "peaceful tasks".

In the same place in Dagestan, an anti-terrorist exercise was held, during which the servicemen of the marine corps of the Caspian Flotilla practiced "repelling an attack by a conditional illegal armed formation."

All these military games of the Russian Federation in the south are in vain. Another card is already being played there. Turkey, having not yet taken any action, has already identified itself in the Caucasus as a regional leader, the role of which Russia has not coped with. But that is another story.
від "ДонОперІнфо"
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