ДЕлаю текста любого направления!

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Реєстрація: 04.07.2008
Повідом.: 682
ДЕлаю текста любого направления!!!!!

Привет всем!Делаю текста на любые темы,на любые стили,с любыми словами.Текста стоят 50грн.Могу делать при вас,а могу делать дома а потом передать вам.Если понравится то пересылаю фрагмент песни,и вы покупаете если нет то могу другой сделать,как говорится слово клиента-Закон.
Контактные данные Мэйл--Kolosvetov91 собака мэйл точка ру.
аська *4-6-4-6-6-6-9-5-4*
Жду ваших заказов! ! !
Никогда об таком не слышал но:
На моей крыше село НЛО
Не инопланетянин а пучеглазое хамло
стал высасывать мои мозги
а я ему сказал:"там пусто,не ищи".
ГГГГГггг это так на шутливый вопрос шутливый ответ)))

мдя.... батенька, вам бы грамматику и пунктуацию подтянуть, и заказы повалят тут же...
еще тексты! еще !!!
Предложение в силе!!!!
Останнє редагування:
И понимаю что несу бред

Добавлено через 3 минуты
Ток он не полный...

Вот это точно!!!
Добавлено через 3 минуты
а скажи мне такую вещь... у всех "рэпперов" такое отношение к девушкам? если да, то, чувак, не их явно надо называть суками!

глаголы, непрямой порядок слов
но, как я уже говорил, все впереди, потому как сзади у всех жопа
мне не понравилось! можно, услышать трек этого московского исполнителя?
ппц, глубоко...эээ...а че-нить другое можешь выложить, ну там лирику какую-нить иль там философию, после такого текста боюсь просто клиентов у тебя не будет...хотя мож хто из раппасити подтянется...
кароче...Кому надо тот напишет и оценит,кому не надо не пишите...Мне флуда в теме не надо...Я же не просил обсуждать текста...я сделал предложение а не спросил нравится ли вам это или то!не так ли?Зачем я буду говорить имена исполнителей которым я писал если у меня все анонимно
Добавлено через 2 минуты
без обид ток воспринимайте
Чувак, ну как без флуда на ХФ????????Он же этим только и живет
А кому надо-тот и в личку отпишется, тема ж на топе

друг, ты тоже не обижайся, просто так как выложил текст на форуме, его в любом случае будут обсуждать

по поводу зачем говорить имена исполнителей, если я писал анонимно - если ситуация такова и ты не можешь назвать имен, то одно упоминание о том, что есть какие-то исполнители и сказано, что они из москвы (с тонким намеком, что не просто там васи), выглядит как бахвальство.
а бахвальство никто не ценит
Прикинь если я тебе напишу текст=>ты станешь популярным=>я говорю что я тебе текста писал=>в итоге ты падаешь...Разве не так?
"One minute ur on top-the next u not, watch it drop,
making your heart stop-just before u hit da floor''
Hope I don’t go back
AAAayyoou! My name is LOGAN troublesome 2008. This my 1st single, my 1st record in my motherfucker life. Wake your motherfucker asses up. Ok. Just shut up and listen! Look for me!!!

I write this song but don’t know how to begin
And eyes are closed and its desirable a fucker drink
But its needed to win this motherfucking green-card
Help me God! To be in USA to record in Shady-record
Where record of tracks after two motherfucker seconds
Because reason number one, is lack of paper money
In addition, Impossibility to find job And On one day is very sunny
Moreover, I told my inaccessibility dreams, my mommy
I’ll be able to be honored by the rich man and popularity MC
And after four long years you will see again me
Mommy please don’t worry, this my shitting dirty fate
But it’s very late to back on the motherfucker way
You will be the happiest mother in this complicated world
I will achieve my aim and other, and have all money to hold
I have only one choice to take a career, or greatest error
Of my intricate life and I sure this my fucking time

Our end make up day by day
All comes to Lord and this is our dirty harder way
Rich or poor no fucking object
All of us in paradise will be resurrect
I have only one choice to take, career
Alternatively, greatest error, in my life and I sure this my time!
I have only one chance to do a career
Or greatest error of my life and I sure this my fucking time!

I was born in some fucker bottom rung position
In fifth year I was start my cools dreams releasing
In a six old, I had a big man’s black shotgun
In nine, I had sex with 15 girls without a condom on
From my harder childhood, I used shot in the arm
I knew for my family I'm future motherfucker armour
Moreover, I'll must destroy anyone who would to harm 'em
I must provide the millions of money for my native mama
Now I’m sixteen and I guess shun danger for my ass
For all these years, I tested many many big stresses
Often in my life I get into a mess, On account of drugs business
In the court of stupid justice, I never was disloyal witness
Against the friends, cause I have their less
In addition, always have their small fucking excess,
So its mind I have no anymore folks friends?
Fuck all ya motherfucker stupid dirty cunts!

Our end make up day by day
All comes to Lord and this is our dirty harder way
Rich or poor no fucking object
All of us in paradise will be resurrect
I have only one choice to take, career
Alternatively, greatest error, in my life and I sure this my time!
I have only one chance to do a career
Or greatest error of my life and I sure this my fucking time!

My life show isn't easy to you, and it's truth
I loved many beautiful girlies in my motherfucker life
However, I don't wanna have a stupid fat wife
cuz throughout around me, always lay a dead body
My friends, my buddy, my fucker daddy, my homie
And of course I saw raped somebody who's love me
This is not about Pamela Lee, it's story about me
c'omon what you see in my dead soul, it's clown
And I've got its crazy in my spell head shot
My song sends for sphacelate, on your neck's braid
I can't to understand to love or hate my harder fate
Late in the day change something in my rapper way
I come out into the open, I think anybody for me hoping
I strike it rich, its only my aim, just get or die rich
My words set out from motherfucker white mouth
And I coming in ground, creating a new fucker sound

Our end make up day by day
All comes to Lord and this is our dirty harder way
Rich or poor no fucking object
All of us in paradise will be resurrect
I have only one choice to take, career
Alternatively, greatest error, in my life and I sure this my time!
I have only one chance to do a career
Or greatest error of my life and I sure this my fucking time!

I saw the death when a shot get out from me
Unless would a surgeon whether save me
In those hard minutes I was prayed please God bless me
In future, please my Lord save my family
Добавлено через 1 минуту
YEah man, this my shit,this is it!!!
Добавлено через 3 минуты
Я делаю и инглиш текста и русские!!!!!
за английский, теперь критика
1. Грамматика...
2. Перепроверь тысячу раз значение слов которые ты по любе нашел либо в тексте Эминема, либо просто перевел с русского-много диких несоответствий с реальным английским.
3. Решил катать с матами-качни справочник англ.слэнга:slut, whore, bitch, cunt, pussy, blow job, dickhead, shitty, lollipop...поверь, в английском тоже много матов, у тебя просто режет глаза обилие fuck, mufucker...
4 произношение....если интересно, могу написать, что не правильно...
5 Уровень пока слабоват, но можешь двигаться, мысли работают в правлиьном напрвалении
ps. Eminem хоть и страдает сейчас хуйней, круче него все равно нет
Останнє редагування:
Американцы сами допускают ошибки в речи,им главное чтоб они сами себя поняли..Скоро выйдет новая песня Fenoman --оценишь качество))))где-то через неделю примерно.
Добавлено через 1 минуту
I I’m still actin up

Yo law! d'you know who's back?
mr. Fuck-a-Cop is back

1. I was born when father's cum split at cunt of mum in 1991
2. From little up I saw how all for me fuck up, but I continue to write rap
3. I never saw my motherfucker stupid daddy
4. He hasn’t time came to see me, pop decease for me
5. But mommy cannot substitute native daddy, but without it now I’m ready
Moreover I grew up without daddy's advice, in seven I was create my personal paradise
6. In eight I was found my first iron girlfriend, We just a lil’ like on Bonnie & Clyde
7. In ten years old I've baptism of blood when we're ride
8. Long after, I fell in love in girl who were like on a black night
9. Upward I was lost in the whirlwind, I wanted to get wind
10. But sometimes really things, isn't easy to your mind?
11. I don't never fuck, dirty piggy motherfucker duck
12. coz I love beautiful pussy for that ain't never busy
13. I see your bumper kit, my style forever with it, its ideal without shit
14. No I'm boostin mine,but I could to do crime I live till then, when my rhyme will end.
15. But I have yet spent all money for this devil's dung, I will rob the easy bank
16. At school all looked at me, like a troublesome and crazy. But ain’t lazy
17. Cuz I kept company with black men, which always haven't a cent
18. At my school all were naziz, rich sons of dad with full cashis
19. I know no rest from they, fight is over and no one want come into play
20. But now all of em already have died and now in the hell
21. They all be understand, that I was right,
22. Nigga sitting in my motherfucker mind, but somehow I'm still white.


1. ya'll think against me that I rum, but on your face my cum
2. and u regardless of that, all of ya, the real miserable rat
3. How u can speak thus about me, you've loose tongue I see
4. look at yourself,you're motherfucker bastard,Fuck yourself
5. I have my anthem and my home, fuck my friends without condom on
6. Nobody needn't me, couse enemies around me but I know I still grow
7. I trow 2PAC is alive he comeS back he's survive, he got backs his life
8. at least I hope Makiavelli live in me, couse I gathcha great white-black MC
9. I was started at shit,and now I'm millionaire on sells CDs speed and always will be it
10. I’m a knight of hip-hop, u never be able me stop, smart-ass cop
11. I’ll fuck up your stupid wife
12. If I feel a menace, I take my two ninaz, and keep on your quim my penis
13. And now something of my ass, all hunts for my white prat, never be winners
14. I don't like man, remember it doc, u are freaky homoman, u love another's cock
15. rest in peace motherfucker, stupid lover of pancy boy dick sucker, fuck you asses fucker

1. My lyrics draw in, from my mind’s to soul within
2. This iron thread prick me in, my human neck isn't slim
3. I sing song only rap and my fucking life isn't crap
4. It’s just skin, I pray put me in worlds money clean
5. I guess it's own my words, and it's my motherfucker world
6. Please my Lord make me king of all scourge
7. Cause I never die I forever alive, my importance's upsurge, just listening my shit
8. u never sees my flash it, couse I going into motherfucker orbit, let's face it
9. u just stupid bitch who look at me on the wall, watch it I can kiil ya all
10. Through this wall, u can run to the holl, but not too close to call
11. Now keeping one's mind on me, never mind in motherfucker future to be
12. Presidents, mayors, hustlers, bollers just listen me, I always paying tit for fucker tat,
13. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, ain't think about that
14. Nobody TALK THROUGH ONE'S HAT, and I continue so stand pat, just look at that
15. Like me, and what you'll see? A dust-bin and other shit slim around me.
16. ATTENTION only me!

All motherfucker I can do, because I can exist without you
I will tell all worlds that I am, I Am the real actually man
I come off clear out of a problem, I will show you who I am
I was started in scratch, but I can try to my destiny snatch
I catch my given microphone, like wallop is strongest stone,
And my cum on everybody of ya’ll, cause that’s my rap style
I am the way I am, if you against me, u got a problem

This is old school man!
Under bad influence
Without rules and trade
What you want from me?
Ha? It’s actually world of L O G A N
See ya!
Добавлено через 2 минуты
ТОлько текст потом выложу новый

как ни странно, согласен со всеми пунктами особенно со вторым пунктом.
to The real -=LOGAN-=

Дядя, выучи сначала русский язык, а уж потом берись за написание текстов.
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